Categories ArchivesBNS

Reasons to Ride

Riding a cycle can have many more benefits than you may think! From being cost-efficient to improving your sleep, cycling has many perks. We’ve compiled four reasons why you should cycle more.   Health  Cycling is an easy way to bring physical activity into your daily life. Riding a cycle has been shown to build strength, build endurance and stamina, increase flexibility, and improve coordination. Cycling is a low-impact exercise which causes less strain than other sports. This makes it a good activity for all ability levels.  Cycling can also improve your sleep. Regular exercise improves sleep duration and quality, letting you sleep at night. Getting a good night’s sleep is a vital part of health because it improves your overall mood, health, ...

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BNS and the Province are Increasing Cycling in Nova Scotia

Last week, the Committee on Natural Resources and Economic Development had a special meeting on Active Transportation. At Bicycle Nova Scotia, we are so thrilled to see this kind of meeting taking place, with provincial staff from multiple departments highlighting to MLAs all the work that is happening in Nova Scotia. It is clear the Province recognizes that active transportation is good for our health, our environment, and our economy and they are our greatest allies in increasing cycling in Nova Scotia. Opening remarks by Deputy Minister Karen Gatien highlight the value of active transportation to the province, and the role that Bicycle Nova Scotia is playing to advance this work:  “The Province supports the vision of an integrated network of ...

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BNS Official Statement – July 20, 2021

In April 2021, Ms. Ehrenhold-Poole corresponded with Bicycle Nova Scotia expressing her regret at online statements regarding cyclists made in 2018. We chose not to publicly release this because we do not support any political candidate or party nor did we formally accept an apology. We were deeply concerned about the online statements made in 2018 and raised our concern at that time. There is a significant amount of work to do in Nova Scotia to improve cycling infrastructure, safety, education and grow a greener and healthier economy - and we hope that all political parties and candidates will work towards this vision. Nova Scotia has committed to completing 3000km of the Blue Route and there are numerous municipal active ...

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Sustainable Development Goals Act

The Nova Scotia government has announced public consultations for the Sustainable Development Goals Act (SDGA), giving us a chance to make Active Transportation a priority through regulated targeted goals for which we can help hold the government accountable. Legislated goals are how Nova Scotia has reduced its GHG emissions and improved waste management. A similar process is needed to ensure continued investment in active transportation and improved cycling infrastructure.   Sustainable transportation supports Goal #11 - Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. Many towns in Nova Scotia are the perfect size to facilitate walking and cycling for everyday journeys, however safe infrastructure generally is not a major priority. We are asking for ...

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Introducing Ally Lord – Women on Wheels Coordinator

Hello! My name is Ally Lord (she/her) and I’m thrilled to be coordinating the Women on Wheels program this summer. I’m originally from the Annapolis Valley and have spent the last few years since graduating from the University of King’s College working with different non-for-profits centred around youth empowerment and experiential learning. In my free time I love to read, write, cook, be barefoot outside, jump in lakes, and listen to early 2000’s music. The Women on Wheels program is a space for women of all abilities to cycle together and connect within their community. In this position, I’m looking forward to better understanding barriers women face in accessing safe and enjoyable cycling, and how race, ability, gender, and class ...

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Pedal Poll – Call for Volunteers in Nova Scotia

Help us make an impact by collecting cycling data across Nova Scotia! Bicycle Nova Scotia is looking for bicycle enthusiasts from across the province to count cyclists wherever you like to ride. Whether it is your favourite trail, a popular road loop, or your local section of Blue Route, we need you to pick a spot and observe cyclists for 2 hours, using a simple phone app. The Pedal Poll is being conducted in 14 cities across Canada, filling an important gap in cycling data This count is being done as part of the Pedal Poll, Canada’s first national count of cycling. Vélo Canada Bikes is leading this project in 14 cities across Canada, including Halifax.  This count will help to fill ...

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