Cycling Nova Scotia Team

CNS Board of Directors

Susanna Fuller

Susanna Fuller

Vice President- Recreation
Neil Morley

Neil Morley

Andrée Crépeau

Andrée Crépeau

Director at Large
Kevin Lynch

Kevin Lynch

Director at Large
Nathanial Bowlby

Nathanial Bowlby

Lorenzo Caterini

Lorenzo Caterini

Vice President- Sport
Steve Bedard

Steve Bedard

John Trites

John Trites

Dwight McLean

Dwight McLean

Director at Large
Janel Hayward

Janel Hayward

Director at Large

Click here for more information about the role of CNS Board Members

CNS Staff and Volunteers

Mike Todd

Mike Todd

Executive Director
Nathan Tuck

Nathan Tuck

Director of Blue Route & Cycling Advocacy
Evan Spencer

Evan Spencer

Active Transportation Coordinator
Ethan Malech

Ethan Malech

Active Transportation Planner
Edward Walsh

Edward Walsh

Assistant Provincial Team Coach and Programmer
Jon Burgess

Jon Burgess

Provincial Team Coach

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