
Cycling Nova Scotia Code of Conduct for Members

Cycling Nova Scotia (CNS) is the Provincial Recreation Organization and Provincial Sporting Organization representing Cycling in Nova Scotia. Board members, staff, volunteers and others who engage in activities with CNS routinely interact with CNS members, athletes/coaches/officiants, the general public, the media and sponsors or advertisers. Conduct of each member of Cycling Nova Scotia’s leadership team, staff, general and race license members, volunteers, and others engaging with CNS reflect on the organization as a whole.


As such, participation in Cycling Nova Scotia is subject to the observance of the organization’s rules, policies and procedures. The activities outlined below are strictly prohibited. Any individual engaged with activities with CNS who violates this Code is subject to discipline, up to and including termination, board dismissal and/or removal from committees:

  • Abusive or discriminatory language or hate speech towards general members, staff members, board members, event attendees or volunteers.
  • Discourtesy or rudeness to general members, staff members, board members, event attendees or volunteers.
  • Verbal, physical or visual harassment of general members, staff members, board members, event attendees or volunteers.
  • Actual or threatened violence toward any individual or group.
  • Conduct endangering the life, safety, health or well-being of others.
  • Failure to follow organization policy or procedure.
  • Willful blindness that may result in injury or risk of injury to any individual or group.
  • Bullying or taking unfair advantage of general members, staff members, board members, event attendees or volunteers.
  • Participation in activities that can reasonably be expected to impact negatively the reputation of CNS or cycling in Nova Scotia.


Members must review the CNS Code of Conduct and agree to abide by the rules described above when registering for a membership. The Code of Conduct applies when CNS members ride anywhere at any time in NS. Failure to abide by the CNS Code of Conduct can lead to discipline, up to and including termination/board dismissal if the Code of Conduct has been found to be violated.

CNS Policies and Procedures
CNS Bylaws

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