Bike Friendly Business


Bike Friendly Nova Scotia


Did you know that cyclists and Active Transportation users can increase your business
through walk in traffic? Join the Bike Friendly Business Network today. Best of all, its
FREE to join.
The process is simple. Head over to the Bike Friendly business website here: {Link}
Pick the application which best fits your business (workplace, accommodations or
Service/Hospitality) and fill out the application. Easy.

What you received when joining the Bike Friendly Business Network

  1. Better visibility for your business by getting a profile on the Bike Friendly Website
  2. Sticker for your window to let patrons know that you are a Bike Friendly Business
  3. A social media post from Cycling NS to help promote your business

Join today and drive Cyclists towards your business


Click here to visit the Bike Friendly Nova Scotia website and join our bike friendly community!


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