Heading into our organization’s 44 th year, we are excited to be joining forces as co-presidents of Bicycle Nova Scotia. Bringing the competitive sport, advocacy and active transportation aspects of cycling into the leadership position at BNS will help us promote all aspects of cycling in Nova Scotia, as well as find opportunities where the sectors can work together.
Our goal is to grow the capacity and reach of Bicycle Nova Scotia to support cyclists across the province. We are hoping we can bring together the cycling community through assisting regional cycling organizations and clubs, supporting cycling businesses, and helping to grow the awareness and support for Bicycle Nova Scotia. We have such potential to become a cycling province and to grow our infrastructure with dedicated bike lanes, rural routes, single-track trails, and education programs. We are looking forward on working on this together.
We welcome our new board members and are grateful to existing board members who continue their work with Bicycle Nova Scotia.
Sincerely, lola doucet and Susanna Fuller, BNS Co-President