In order to ensure that our bylaws are aligned with a board structure and organizational functioning that meets our recent and expected continued growth we are proposing several changes this year. We are ensuring that all meetings and resolutions can be done digitally, which is just a further clean up from changes adopted in 2017. We are also proposing to re-instate the President position so that there is clear responsibility for governance decisions. We propose board term limits for the Board Executive so that there is an obligation to ensure that the board leadership is limited. We propose adding in a section on board volunteering on other cycling related initiatives so that any conflict is clear. We are updating the bylaws so that all funding that comes into the organization must support the administration of that funding. Finally we are proposing changes to our signing authority of contracts to align with the signing authority of our payments and cheques. These changes bring us in line with needed governance updates as well ensure that our bylaws are consistent with existing practices.

CNS 2024 Bylaws for AGM .pptx