2024 Blue Route Recap

Cycling Nova Scotia in partnership with the Nova Scotia Department of Public Works had an exciting year in 2024, opening two new section of the Blue Route.

Lunenburg to Upper LaHave:  CNS, Nova Scotia Department of Public Works, and the Municipality of the District of Lunenburg announced the opening of a new 33km section of the Blue Route in August 2024.  It is made up of 17.5km of paved shoulders along Trunk 3 and Route 332, as well as shared road on Route 332. This new section will allow cyclists to ride from Lunenburg to Rose Bay and up to Lahave along a signed route. It is an easy connection to the existing Ble Route section covering the Rum Runners Trail, meaning that cyclists can now enjoy Blue Route Signage from Halifax all the way to Lahave! A celebration ride was held on a beautiful day in August starting at the Hungry Traveler Café. You can read all about it here: https://blueroute.ca/thanks-for-celebrating-with-us/

Windsor to Hantsport: CNS, together with the Province of Nova Scotia, West Hants Regional Municipality and supported by the Government of Canada, announced the opening of a new 12km section of the Blue Route on newly paved shoulders from Hantsport to the Windsor town line along Trunk Highway 1.  This section offers cyclists a signed route with views of the Avon River and a comfortable ride between the towns of Windsor and Hantsport.  Unfotuntelay a celebration ride wasn’t able to be held in 2024, so keep checking the CNS newsletter and Blue Route website for a ride this year!  You can find the details here: https://blueroute.ca/new-blue-route-segment-open-hantsport-to-windsor/