Join CNS: Cycling Club

Join Cycling Nova Scotia

Check out our membership plans and their benefits below

(Please note that memberships are not a 12-month membership, but areĀ for the calendar year. This is to do with the system we use for signing up.)


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  • Can receive liability and coverage
  • Can be affiliated with CNS
  • Can receive registration and payment handling from CNS

The number 1 difference between CNS Insured clubs and Self-Insured clubs has to do with liability coverage.

CNS Insured Clubs are covered by Cycling Nova Scotia’s liability policy for official club rides in case an accident were to occur during these events. As a result, all members of CNS Insured Club must also become members of Cycling Nova Scotia. The Club must also have a policy document with some minimum content to join as a CNS Insured Club. CNS assists Insured Clubs by handling the Registration Process and collecting and distributing club fees each quarter.

Self-Insured Clubs carry their own liability coverage and handle their own registration and payment.

Where CNS offers events, programming and advocacy throughout the province, Club Registration Dues help us to effectively plan events and advocate for better conditions for cycling throughout the province.

If you have any questions regarding the new insurance program or your club membership, please contact us.

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