Race Organizers

Looking to run a race?  Check out the Race Organizers Guide

Cycling Nova Scotia Race Organizers Guide.pdf

Want to get your race on the calendar?
Contact Mike Todd- [email protected]

Are you interested in running a race?

Cycling Nova Scotia has a sanctioned, insured race series which runs every year.  Whether you are interested in running a Road Race (Time Trail, Criterium etc), or Mountain Bike Race (XCO, XXC, Enduro, DH, Duel Slalom), it is important to contact us today to get your spot on the NS race calendar and begin planning your event.

There is so many aspects that go into running a great event.  If you are new to running races, you may be interested in looking over our Race Organizers Guide here:  Cycling Nova Scotia Race Organizers Guide.pdf

This guide will help answer your questions and once you are ready and committed to running a race, contact Mike Todd ([email protected]) and we can begin the process of getting your race sanctioned

We highly value the enormous amount of work race organizers put into running events and are proud of the community these races help build.  A sincere thank you to all race organizers.  Cycling NS will do all we can to ensure that you are able to hold a great, exciting, safe race for all.


Again, we highly value the enormous amount of work it takes for race organizers to hold the excellent events offered in Nova Scotia. It is our hope that these changes will help us all grow competitive cycling in Nova Scotia. Please do not hesitate to contact either of us if you have any questions. Thank you for your cooperation.

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