BNS Strategic Plan

BNS Strategic Plan

In 2015, BNS committed to doing a 5-year strategic plan. We did a visioning session as a board with the help of Sport Nova Scotia, and then we asked you, our members and supporters, to help us with our priorities.


Below are our top 5 focus areas, with some key actions and outcomes that we are working hard to accomplish. Please let us know how we are doing and if we have missed something important!

Vision Component 5 Year Target Progress to December 2016
General Bicycle Nova Scotia Organizational Aspirations
BNS is taken seriously by the public and has value > 50 media hits / year, general membership and outside recognition, social media Torchy Peden Award from CCC, doubled Facebook followers, active twitter
BNS seen as caring about NS as a whole Programming in all counties and rep in each county AGM’s in different locations (2016 AGM in Truro, 2017 in Wolfville)
Organizational infrastructure is self-sustaining and consistent with long term staff $25,000 block funding per year; 5 staff members, 10,000 / 30,000 members through clubs and organizations, 25% of budget from “social enterprise/earned income”, Improved communication, registration; tools and resources in place to support smaller organizations; role model for inclusivity Ben Buckwold, Adam Barnett, Madeline Lawler, Lynne Pascoe; Sustainable government funding, but need to become more self reliant.
BNS is “The Hub” for all things bicycle in NS Top hit on Google when searching cycling / bicycling / Nova Scotia Need to commit to this and allocate resources accordingly.
Increased general and corporate membership $10,000 – $30,000 general membership through member clubs and organization, $50,000 corporate sponsorship, 50 clubs/organizations are members Insurance is a big part of this work, then need to figure out if Zone 4 can work for general support and membership
Increased equity, more women’s categories in races For every male category there is an equal women’s category, 35% females in competitive events; increase in accessible races (i.e. alley cat) Women’s A and B in Road and Mountain added in 2016
Participate in and host national level competitions in road, mountain, cross and BMX 2 national level mountain bike, 1 each in road and cross, 40 well attended competitive events Two national level comps attended; working on Canada Cup XC for 2018
Provincial Team program Active provincial team with 20 members; effective athlete development program; 10 athletes performing at the national/international level Established team for events, provincial team kits supported by BNS; struggling with administration of that team, needs support
Strong coaching and team 20 high level coaches Need to get coaches more fully certified
Chip timing system for events As is Agreed on funding for chip timing system, and including cost of individual chips in competitive
Touring & Recreation
Cycling Infrastructure is in place for touring and recreation and competition 1 proper built single track in HRM; 1000-2500km of connected Blue Route; 1 indoor bike facility; $ for trail maintenance & development Working actively on all of this!
NS is a cycling destination 100,000+ cycling tourists, 2-3 times cycle tourists in exit survey; 1 province wide bike friendly business network NS Tourism did dedicated survey; ACOA funding for Bicycle Friendly Business program (in progress)
Mountain bike trails developed in at least one area (2016/2017) As is 16 public /private trails in NS, working with Trail Forks, MBT strategy in process, including potential videos
BNS to host one cycling event Hosted Blue Route ride, others in the works
A ski hill allows mountain biking As is Winter fat bike riding at Martock; specialized demo day; Keppoch turned into mountain biking
Education & Safety  
Cycling is respected and supported, increased # cyclists riding safely with drivers and cyclists sharing the road 15% of commuters ride a bike; 3-5% of TIR transportation budget for AT; 0 fatalities; drivers get biking safety info/all cyclists get cycling rules of the road info when they buy their bike Incident reporting tool launched! Helped with Ellen’s Law; Cycling Canada looking at using our Incident Report tool; ongoing
Cycling education is province wide/all ages Making Tracks/CANBIKE); Lets Ride; 25 active WOW rides weekly; “every child rides a bike” program; cycling education programs in all schools; education info at every vehicle registration/bike purchase; successful prescribe a bike program Working with others to sort out roles and capacity of Can Bike, Making Tracks, Learn to Bike, etc
More youth programming in Phys. Ed Cycling in NSSAF Was happening with Rocky Lake Junior High, will continue in September with other schools.
BNS funds cycling for kids, including a competitive option $10,000 for grants – bikes/gear/repairs
Urban areas in Nova Scotia have bike infrastructure everyone can be proud of Bike lanes throughout the peninsula; 100% accessible; other priority urban areas Ongoing, part of Blue Route advocacy particularly in areas of high population
Updated and rewritten Motor Vehicle Act relevant to all road user BNS working actively with Road Safety Advisory Committee and other NGOs on recommendations for a better Transportation Act
Rails 2 Trails is a solid and happy entity BNS is involved in community trail development (single track and shared use) Work in progress; significant trails upgrading funding from ACOA going into Blue Route/Destination Trails projects
Stable funding source for active transportation Idea: PST portion of bicycle sales rebated to provincial AT fund Work in progress
Blue Route is implemented, used and promoted 2,000- 2500 km of Blue Route or 1/3 is in place and connected; private sector committing dollars for infrastructure; 3-5% of transportation budget (TIR) is allocated for AT Ongoing – 111km implemented as of December 2016; destination trails to be added this summer with other road TBD

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