How to Write your MLA

Guidelines for Writing Your Local MLA

  1. Keep it Brief. Keep the letter to one page and to one specific point. Be passionate, but be courteous.
  2. Identify Yourself. Why are you interested in this topic? Where do you live and how long have you lived there?
  3. Get to the Point. Keep it to a few, well thought out points and be specific; use bullet points where applicable.
  4. Get personal. Relate your concern to yourself, your family, and your community; use real life examples of how the situation impacts your life.
  5. Mail them a letter: Letters have more impact than sending an email. Ask them to respond.



  • Thank them for their time.
  • Ask for feedback and be available for more questions.
  • Include your contact information.
  • Sign the letter.
  • Follow up if you haven’t heard back from them within a reasonable time.


Do not:

  • Use anything but common language. Stay away from acronyms and overly technical terms.
  • Be rude or use abusive language.


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Example of Formal Letter:



(First Name) (Last Name), MLA (Specify Riding)

(Mailing Address)


Re: Support for the Blue Route Network

As your constituent, I am writing today to express my support for the expansion of protected bicycling lanes around the province and for increased education around the importance of safely sharing the road between motor vehicles and bicycles. Specifically I would to bring attention to the Blue Route, which aims to connect Nova Scotia through 3000km of continuous designated bicycle routes. In 2013, the Blue Route became part of Nova Scotia’s Sustainable Transportation Strategy (“Choose How You Move”) and since that time has been one of the actions in which the province has agreed to invest in.


I’m personally very concerned that there has not been enough support for this initiative. I would like to see the Blue Route completed in a reasonable time frame and to see all levels of government doing what they can to advance its implementation.


(Add personal story/interest/experience)

  • I am a cyclist…
  • I am a parent…
  • I believe in active and healthy living…safe roads…etc.


The Blue Route plans to go through not only this riding, but across all the ridings in the province. I encourage you, as my MLA, to review this project and see where you can contribute to the development of the Blue Route in your riding. More specifically, I would like to see:


  • A budget in transportation for the project.
  • Dedicated staff people.
  • Continued dedication to this mandate and vision by whatever means necessary.


The Blue Route will benefit all Nova Scotians in both rural and urban areas by making our communities healthier, with safer places to live, work, and play. Additionally, it will help in achieving increased physical and mental health, encourage outdoor tourism and economic development, and contribute to a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, inline with provincial commitments under the Pan Canadian Climate Framework. This is an important initiative for our province and its people.


I look forward to your response about how you plan to show your support and dedication to the Blue Route in order to help bring safer cycling routes to both your riding and the rest of the province.





(Insert Name), (City/Town)

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