Categories ArchivesAdvocacy

Have your say in Nova Scotia’s new “Traffic Safety Act”

This fall, the Nova Scotia government plans to introduce a new Traffic Safety Act to replace the out-dated Motor Vehicle Act, which has not been rewritten since the 1920’s. Bicycle Nova Scotia has been working with other partners in the province to push for changes to this legislation. Reviewing the act, we are suggesting that the public advocate for 5 changes that will have significant impact for the safety and rights of cyclists in the province.   The top 5 changes that need to be included in the new Traffic Safety Act are: Recognize and define Vulnerable Road Users under the new Traffic Safety Act Allow for a municipal council to direct their traffic authority to set speed limits under 50 km/hour, without the need to seek permission ...

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Have your say in Nova Scotia’s new “Traffic Safety Act”

This fall, the Nova Scotia government plans to introduce a new Traffic Safety Act to replace the out-dated Motor Vehicle Act, which has not been rewritten since the 1920’s.   Bicycle Nova Scotia has been working with other partners in the province to push for changes to this legislation. Reviewing the act, we are suggesting that the public advocate for 5 changes that will have significant impact for the safety and rights of cyclists in the province.   The top 5 changes that need to be included in the new Traffic Safety Act are: Recognize and define Vulnerable Road Users under the new Traffic Safety Act Allow for a municipal council to direct their traffic authority to set speed limits under 50 km/hour, without the need to seek permission ...

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Fall River Bike Lane to Add New Piece of the Blue Route

Last Tuesday, Halifax Regional Council approved the addition of bike lanes to a 1.5km section of Fall River Road as part of the Fall River Water Service Extension project. The project is expected to be complete in the spring of 2018. The bike lanes factor into plans for the River-Lake Greeway, which will connect Dartmouth, Fall River, and north towards Elmsdale. That route is part of plans for the Blue Route Provincial Cycling Network within HRM.   Read the staff ...

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Do Your Part to “Shape Your City”

HRM is asking residents to share their ideas about priorities for the 2017 Budget. An online forum and budget allocator tool is now open at Shape Your City. Let’s tell Councilors that it’s time to invest in bicycle networks that are safe, well connected, and work for everybody!   Good bicycle networks are relatively small municipal investments that have big benefits. Safe, practical networks open up a healthy, affordable, green and convenient form of transportation for people of all ages and abilities. Networks connecting trail and pathway systems provide accessible multipurpose recreational facilities.   Bicycling isn’t just good for us; it’s good for our cities. Other jurisdictions are taking note: Calgary and Edmonton are just the latest Canadian cities making headlines for rapid construction ...

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Ride to Remember Loresa Makonin

The Halifax Cycling Coalition and Bicycle Nova Scotia will be holding a memorial ride for Loresa Makonin on October 24, 2015 at 10:00am. Makonin was killed in a collision with a propane truck on October 7th, becoming the second person to be killed by riding a bicycle in the last two years. The ride will celebrate Makonin's life and recreate part of her final bicycle ride. The event is also intended to express positive support for better bicycle infrastructure, policy and education in Halifax. For those who wish to join, we will be meeting at the Sobey's parking lot, 297 Herring Cove ...

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Blue Route to Launch on August 6th in Pictou!

Blue Route Overview The Blue Route provincial cycling network will connect Nova Scotia’s communities through designated cycling routes on secondary highways with paved shoulders, low traffic volume roads, hard surfaced trails, and city streets. The concept of the Blue Route is based on the award winning Route Verte in Quebec, which brings in upwards of $200M in tourism revenue each year and is seen as one of the best active transportation networks in the world. Once completed the Blue Route comprise a ~ 3000km network of signed bicycle routes, connecting riders with communities across the province.   The Launch of the Blue Route The first segment to launch connects Pictou to East Mountain (Bible Hill) along segments of the provincial road network (Route 376 ...

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