HRM is asking residents to share their ideas about priorities for the 2017 Budget. An online forum and budget allocator tool is now open at Shape Your City. Let’s tell Councilors that it’s time to invest in bicycle networks that are safe, well connected, and work for everybody!
Good bicycle networks are relatively small municipal investments that have big benefits. Safe, practical networks open up a healthy, affordable, green and convenient form of transportation for people of all ages and abilities. Networks connecting trail and pathway systems provide accessible multipurpose recreational facilities.
Bicycling isn’t just good for us; it’s good for our cities. Other jurisdictions are taking note: Calgary and Edmonton are just the latest Canadian cities making headlines for rapid construction of protected bicycle networks. It’s time to remove the biggest barrier to riding a bicycle in HRM by investing in the infrastructure we need to make bicycling safe and accessible for everyone.
BNS has pulled together a list of five priority projects we think can make the biggest impact. The first four are all key projects in the HRM Active Transportation Priorities Plan and have broad community support. We have also added the development of mountain bike trails to our list, a seriously underdeveloped opportunity for our region with huge potential for integration with Halifax’s Green Network.
Five bike network projects to budget for in 2017:
- Minimum grid protected bicycle network in the regional centre
- Improve bike lane approaches to Macdonald Bridge
- Close priority gaps in HRM’s greenway network (as indicated in HRM Integrated Mobility Plan draft) and integrate with Blue Route provincial cycling network
- Chain of Lakes Trail to Halifax Peninsula AT connection
- Invest in publicly accessible sustainable mountain bike trail systems
If we send a strong message, these projects can be completed within a few short years with minimal impact to budget. Please go to Shape Your City to show your support for better bicycling in HRM.