Tags ArchivesCycling Nova Scotia

Top 10 Winter Cycling Tips

Battling the winter elements can be intimidating for a lot of cyclists. By following these few simple tips, you can go out and have just as much fun in the chilly weather as you would in the summer heat! Bundle up: You can always take gear off when I you get too hot, but it’s a lot harder to stay warm if you don’t have everything you need with you. Your extremities will get cold fast if you are not wearing adequate gear for the weather so be sure to have proper gloves and footwear to limit chilly hands and feet and to avoid frostbite in extreme conditions. Layering wind resistant and waterproof materials over warmer layers will help here. ...

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Meet the Blue Route Staff! Brittney MacLean, Director of Blue Route Development and Cycling Advocacy

Meet the Blue Route Staff!     Brittney MacLean (she/her) is the Director of Blue Route Development and Cycling Advocacy with Bicycle Nova Scotia. Brittney is a graduate of the Bachelors of Community Design, Honors Urban Design program at Dalhousie University, which is where she developed a keen interest in how community planning and public space design can be used to encourage social behaviors that lead to healthier, happier, more connected communities. Brittney spent the last nine years as an urban planner with the Halifax Regional Municipality where she found great reward working on projects that focused on the growth of the municipality while fulfilling community needs and visions. Walking and cycling grew to be a large part of her life during ...

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