Categories ArchivesFor Beginners

Sustainable Development Goals Act

The Nova Scotia government has announced public consultations for the Sustainable Development Goals Act (SDGA), giving us a chance to make Active Transportation a priority through regulated targeted goals for which we can help hold the government accountable. Legislated goals are how Nova Scotia has reduced its GHG emissions and improved waste management. A similar process is needed to ensure continued investment in active transportation and improved cycling infrastructure.   Sustainable transportation supports Goal #11 - Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. Many towns in Nova Scotia are the perfect size to facilitate walking and cycling for everyday journeys, however safe infrastructure generally is not a major priority. We are asking for ...

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Introducing Ally Lord – Women on Wheels Coordinator

Hello! My name is Ally Lord (she/her) and I’m thrilled to be coordinating the Women on Wheels program this summer. I’m originally from the Annapolis Valley and have spent the last few years since graduating from the University of King’s College working with different non-for-profits centred around youth empowerment and experiential learning. In my free time I love to read, write, cook, be barefoot outside, jump in lakes, and listen to early 2000’s music. The Women on Wheels program is a space for women of all abilities to cycle together and connect within their community. In this position, I’m looking forward to better understanding barriers women face in accessing safe and enjoyable cycling, and how race, ability, gender, and class ...

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Winter Cycling in Nova Scotia: Your Mind

In previous BNS blog posts, we covered the physical preparation needed for winter cycling, exploring how to dress and how to prepare your bike for winter roads. But there’s another hurdle stopping many fairweather cyclists from continuing through the winter: wrapping your head around what’s required.  Opting to cycle through the cold and foul weather does require some psychological preparation. No matter how well you dress or prepare your bike for occasionally nasty roads, if you’re not mentally prepared, you might run into some winter cycling difficulties. How to Prepare Your Mind for Winter Cycling Plan Your Route With the uniquely challenging conditions of winter riding, it’s important to plan ahead. Are there stretches of your ride that are more likely to be ...

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Winter Cycling in Nova Scotia: The Bike

In our last post about winter cycling, we tackled the essentials of how to dress when riding in cold weather. In this post, we’ll talk about how to prepare your bike for the unique road conditions of the Nova Scotia winter.  Remember: ensuring your own safety and the safety of all road users is important year-round. Winter cycling in Nova Scotia presents its own set of challenges, so it’s essential to remember to always follow the rules of the road. Need a safety refresher? Check out the Nova Scotia Bicycle Safety brochure (PDF). Bicycle Nova Scotia also offers insurance coverage for members, giving you peace of mind to know you’re covered in case of an accident.  How to Prepare Your Bike ...

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Winter Cycling in Nova Scotia: What to Wear

As the old cliché goes: if you don’t like the weather in Nova Scotia, just wait five minutes. The unpredictability of our weather keeps things interesting year-round, and of course winter is no exception. From nor’easter storms to unexpected snow, sleet, and rain, Nova Scotians get a little bit of everything from November through March (and beyond!). But that doesn’t mean you can’t continue to ride your bike all year. Riding your bike during the winter can provide huge boosts to your mental and physical well-being. While your friends and family may think you’re strange for insisting on riding in the freezing cold, it’s easy to continue cycling with the right preparation. With a little bit of planning, winter cycling ...

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The post where we talk about butts

You're just getting into cycling and have taken your new bike out for a ride on a nearby trail. You were having fun and feeling fit, so you spent a good hour exploring the trail and got home feeling incredible. Fast forward to the next day: your butt is super tender. It might even be tough to sit down. Did you do something wrong on yesterday's ride? Did you pull a muscle? If you're getting back into riding as an adult after a long break, having a cranky-caboose after your first long ride can be common.   Why is my butt so sore? Bike saddles are meant to support you at or around your ischial tuberosities, or sit bones. On your rump, you ...

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