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Meet Cycling Nova Scotia’s Active Transportation Coordinator: Holly Foxall!

Holly joined Cycling Nova Scotia as Active Transportation Coordinator in January 2024, and will be working on active transportation research, gathering data on AT readiness, planning the annual Bike Summit, and engaging communities in cycling throughout the province. You’ll also see Holly playing a role in supporting Cycling Nova Scotia’s advocacy work at a community level throughout the province. Holly is excited to use her background in non-profit advocacy, education, and community engagement to promote Active Transportation in Nova Scotia!   We asked Holly some questions about cycling to get to know her better.   What kind of bike do you ride? I’ve accumulated a number of bikes in recent years! The bike I’ve had the longest is a purple Butterfield and Robinson bike ...

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The Farm at Top Sail Lake

Exciting News! Cycling NS is ready to announce new trails to ride!  Located on Golf View Drive in Dartmouth, NS, The Farm is 6km (and growing) of great single track trail. To ride the trails, you need to be a Cycling NS member (or purchase a day pass) and you have to bring the stoke. A huge thank you to the Trail Builders and the committee who helped bring this project to fruition.  We are excited to have as many riders come out and enjoy as possible.  ...

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Cycling NS Mountain Bike Trail Fund

Cycling Nova Scotia is proud to announce the Mountain Bike Trail Fund. The Cycling NS Mountain Bike Trail Fund has been established to help develop Mountain Bike trails throughout Nova Scotia.  With the generous donations from our members, our goal is to expand trail systems in all regions of the province.     In the past, Cycling NS has supported projects such as Wentworth Mountain Bike Association and Macintosh Run Trail Association and the soon to be established Top Sail Lake development in Dartmouth through the trail fund.   This grant has been created specifically to develop new trails and support trail associations looking to establish themselves in their region.  Grant amounts will range from $500 to $2500 depending on the scope and cost ...

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Dear: Government of Nova Scotia

The Provincial government has called on Nova Scotians to share ideas for the upcoming 2024-25 budget. This is a fantastic opportunity to let the government know how important active transportation is for Nova Scotians' health, affordability, environment, and local economy. Physical inactivity accounts for $3.9 billion of annual health care expenditures in Canada. Investments in active transportation work to reduce the economic burden of physical inactivity in Nova Scotia. Additionally, transportation accounts for roughly one third of Nova Scotia's greenhouse gas emissions and is the only major emissions sector where emissions are not declining or expected to soon decline substantially. Investment in active transportation networks is a tangible way to turn that statistic around. Here at Cycling Nova Scotia, we’re asking ...

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New Blue Route Open- Pugwash to Wallace!

  Cycling Nova Scotia, together with The Provincial Department of Public Works and the Municipality of Cumberland, are excited to announce the opening of a new section of the Blue Route from Pugwash to Wallace along Gulf Shore and Ferry Roads!  The Blue Route is a province-wide project to create a continuous 3,000km network of cycling infrastructure. By developing safe, well-connected cycling routes, the Blue Route will make it easier for Nova Scotians to get around the province by bike.  Route selection was based on the planning priorities such as connecting communities and destinations, availability and accessibility of services along the route, scenic views, incorporating existing routes, coordination with local and regional plans such as active transportation plans, existing conditions or feasibility ...

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