With only a month left before the Annual General Meeting for Bicycle Nova Scotia, the Board of Directors are calling for some changes to the existing by-laws which govern the organization. The last change to by-laws was in 2017
Below are the changes for your review. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to Mike Todd at [email protected]
Proposed bylaw changes for 2023 Annual General Meeting
- Pending member agreement on AGM proposal to change Bicycle Nova Scotia to Cycling Nova Scotia, the name change will be made throughout the bylaws.
- Pending member agreement, addition of Executive Director will be made to the bylaws where appropriate.
Changes are proposed for the following sections
- Section 1: Interpretation
- Section 1.2 will be removed and gender neutral terms shall be used throughout.
- Section 3: Membership
- Section 3.3 Associate member shall be changed to Insured Member Organization and Self Insured Member organization to reflect the different types of cycling organizations in Nova Scotia. This is a change from Associated and Affiliated member organizations which is confusing and non-specific.
- Section 3.4 Family membership will be added so that Cycling Nova Scotia has the option to add this to membership categories. Note that the functionality of this will need to be addressed through adding a new membership back end program for General Members, in addition to Zone 4 for competitive members.
- Section 3.6 As Cycling Nova Scotia will endeavour to have membership be annual based on the date that membership was acquired, rather than the calendar year, change this for General members, competitive members and board of directors so that it is specific to each.
- Section 3.9 Remove Committee reference except for Race Committee.
- Section 4: Meetings
- reflect that meetings may be held in person or virtually, and all rules apply regardless of platform.
- 4.4 Add that a show of hands for voting includes in virtual settings.
- Section 4.5: Replace existing Section 4.5 with the following:
An Annual General Assembly Meeting shall be for the purpose of:
- Receiving the annual reports of the Executive and Standing Committees.
- Receiving annual reports of the Executive Director and other staff Directors as requested.
- Reviewing and voting on proposed bylaw changes or amendments.
- Fixing membership fees for the following calendar year.
- Such other business as may be agreed upon by the meeting.
- Electing the Board of Directors as vacancies and term limits present.
- Section 5: Board of Directors
- Section 5.1: Composition
Replace current text with the following text below. Number of members is reduced to 12 to reflect effective governance and proposed new board positions which removes many of the VP positions.
- a) The BOD of the Association shall be composed of up to 12 members, elected by the General Assembly at the Annual General Meeting. All efforts will be made to ensure representation by at least 2 members outside of Halifax Regional Municipality, including but not limited to Cape Breton, the Annapolis Valley, the South Shore and Yarmouth area. Board membership will be comprised of 2-3 members with interest and expertise in competition and 2-3 members with interest, expertise in transportation advocacy, recreation and touring and cycling education. Cycling Nova Scotia will work towards gender inclusiveness (both within and beyond the gender binary) on the Board of Directors. The nominating committee will be responsible in ensuring that these directives are upheld on an annual basis.
- b) The Board or Directors shall comprise the following positions:
1.Co-Chair, Recreation and Advocacy
2.Co-Chair, Competition
- Treasurer
- Secretary
- Registrar
- Gender Equity and Inclusion Representative
- Competition Representative
- Competition Representative (Events Coordinator)
- Transportation, Recreation Representative
- Transportation, Recreation Representative
10.Member at Large
11.Member at Large
12 Past Co-Chair (ex officio)
- c) Section 5.5. Each board member will be expected to sit on one standing committee.
Updating of Standing Committees
Standing Committees:
Addition of Human Resources Committee
Addition Fundraising, Audit and Membership Committee and replace Audit Committee
Addition Equity and Inclusion Committee
Addition of Nominating Committee
Replacement of REBA with Infrastructure, Active Transportation and Advocacy Committee
Combine Mountain Biking and Road Competition with one Competition / Race Committee
Membership of all standing committees shall reflect the following and be updated as such:
Cycling Nova Scotia will work towards gender inclusiveness (both within and beyond the gender binary) on Standing Committees.