Categories ArchivesAthlete Development News

MTB Trail expansion at the Links at Brunello

      Residents of Timberlea will soon have more reason to hop in the saddle and enjoy trail riding on two wheels.  Thanks to a partnership with Bicycle Nova Scotia (BNS) and a grant from the Province of Nova Scotia, the Links at Brunello will be expanding its mountain bike trail system in 2021 using expertise provided by TrailFlow Outdoor Adventures. This expanded trail system will build on existing single and double track, and offer riders a wide range of technical options to develop riding skills.   The Links at Brunello and BNS recognize the support by the Department of Communities, Culture and Heritage in helping to develop and promote this resource for all Nova Scotians. Canada’s Ocean Playground is no stranger ...

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2019 Canadian Road Nationals

The 2019 Canadian National Road Championship is officially a wrap. Due to circumstances, we only had three Blue Nosers at this year's event. John Van Luxemborg, making the large step from Junior to the Elite/U23 pack filled with ex-World Tour riders and continental pros. Tim Shea, Elite/U23, and Edward Walsh with his United Xpeed team also joined us. Our smaller numbers allowed us the opportunity work with two other provinces to cost-share staff, equipment and lodging. We strengthened our relationship further with team Alberta and PEI to better service our athletes in the future. The road race was a tall order. One hundred eighty-nine kilometres of racing broken into a 40k savage, rolling uphill ride out, eight laps of a 15k circuit and ...

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